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Ben Bartlett


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1. Ben's Vision:

Ben Bartlett is driven by his vision of a Berkeley that works for all. He is dedicated to addressing the housing crisis, reforming public safety, and combating climate change. His mission is to ensure that Berkeley remains an equitable, sustainable, and inclusive city for future generations. Ben believes in solving problems through innovation and collaboration, and his leadership has already led to substantial positive changes in the community. His platform is grounded in the belief that Berkeley can be a leader in creating real solutions to its most pressing issues.


2. Ben's Biography:

Ben Bartlett is a fifth-generation Berkeleyan and a dedicated public servant. Since being elected to the Berkeley City Council in 2016, Ben has been at the forefront of innovative housing policies, public safety reforms, and environmental justice initiatives. His upbringing in Berkeley instilled in him a deep commitment to equity, justice, and community service. He has worked tirelessly to expand affordable housing, reduce homelessness, and lead on progressive environmental policies that have positioned Berkeley as a model for sustainable urban living. His personal connection to Berkeley’s challenges drives his passion for continued service.


3. Key Initiatives and Legislation:

  • Housing: Ben co-authored the Missing Middle legislation to end single-family zoning, creating more housing options for low- and middle-income residents. He also launched the Step Up Housing initiative, which has been instrumental in reducing homelessness by 45%.

  • Public Safety: Ben created the Specialized Care Unit (SCU) through the George Floyd Community Safety Act, which provides a non-police response to mental health crises and addiction, ensuring more resources for addressing violent crime.

  • Climate Action: Ben co-authored Berkeley’s Green New Deal, which accelerates the city’s transition to renewable energy and promotes a just transition for workers affected by the shift to a green economy.


4. Top Hits:

  • Housing: “Ben Bartlett’s leadership on affordable housing has delivered results. He helped pass the Missing Middle legislation and spearheaded Step Up Housing, bringing over 1,000 affordable units into the pipeline.”

  • Public Safety: “Ben created the Specialized Care Unit to address mental health crises without police intervention, freeing law enforcement to focus on violent crime prevention and reducing the strain on police resources.”

  • Climate: “Through Berkeley’s Green New Deal, Ben Bartlett is leading efforts to reduce carbon emissions, expand EV infrastructure, and promote sustainability through green jobs and resilient infrastructure.”


5. Endorsement Highlights:

Ben Bartlett’s re-election campaign is supported by a broad coalition of influential organizations, including:

  • Democratic Party

  • Sierra Club

  • Berkeley Firefighters Association

  • Alameda Labor Council (AFL-CIO)

  • Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

  • Building Trades Council of Alameda County

  • 350 Bay Area Action

  • SEIU 1021

  • AFSCME Council 57

  • Wellstone Democratic Club

  • Asian Pacific American Democratic Club

  • East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club

  • East Bay Young Democrats


7. Ben's Main Topics:

  • Affordable Housing: “Ben Bartlett is fighting for affordable housing in Berkeley, leading initiatives like Step Up Housing and the Missing Middle policy to create more opportunities for families to stay in the city. #AffordableHousing #BerkeleyForAll”

  • Public Safety: “Thanks to Ben Bartlett’s vision, Berkeley now has the Specialized Care Unit to address mental health crises with compassion and care, without involving police. #PublicSafety #MentalHealth”

  • Climate Leadership: “Berkeley’s Green New Deal, co-authored by Ben Bartlett, is pushing the city toward a carbon-neutral future, with investments in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and green spaces. #ClimateAction #Sustainability”


8. Key Data and Metrics:

  • 45% reduction in homelessness under Ben Bartlett’s leadership.

  • Over 1,000 new affordable housing units approved and in development.

  • SCU responded to over 1,000 calls in its first year, providing critical mental health services and referrals.

  • Groundbreaking climate initiatives including expanded EV infrastructure and the ban on natural gas in new construction.


9. Agenda Moving Forward:

  • Homeownership for the People!






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